Whitechurch N.S.
Ballinameela, Cappagh,
Co. Waterford

National School

All school applications will be open from Feb 3rd 9.20 a.m until Feb 17th 3pm 2025

Download our Enrolment Form.

The Admissions Notice for 2024/2025 is now available.

The experience of enrolling your child can bring excitement and apprehension, for both children and parents. So we’ve included this page to help you understand more about our school, and how we work with you and your child. It all helps to make your child’s first day, and term, enjoyable, relaxed and fulfilling. If there’s anything else you need to know, please give us a call on +353-58-68282 

School Uniform

The school uniform consists of grey trousers or skirt, green jumper, grey shirt and school tie (green with red and white stripe). Indoor shoes are required from second class upwards. Uniforms available at Monica’s, Mary Street, Dungarvan.

School Tracksuit

The school tracksuit is also available from Monica’s, Mary Street, Dungarvan. Top includes the school crest and a white polo shirt and navy bottoms.

Two Items to be Sent to School

A small lunchbox type container labelled clearly with your child’s name for words and numbers. A large, old T-shirt clearly labelled for use as an art apron.

First Day - A Happy One!

Be positive with your child in preparing him/her for school and explain to him/her what will happen re. teacher, other children, breaks, sitting down, tidy up time and leaving school. On arrival it is very helpful if you can show your child where to hang his/her coat. After meeting the teacher, some other children, and finding a seat, please leave promptly because your child will sense your anxiety. Most children, even if initially upset soon become distracted by the surroundings and settle down.

Personal Property

Please clearly mark your child’s name on jumpers, coats, and other personal items including school books.

Going Home

Be sure to collect him/her on time. Children can become very upset if they feel they are forgotten. Keep out of view until the children are released. If at any time the collecting routine has to be changed ensure you tell the child and the teacher.

School Hours

The official opening time is 9.20 a.m. Classes for all infants end at 2.00 pm. Classes for other pupils end at 3.00 pm. No responsibility is accepted for pupils outside these times. It is school policy that all children in infants who do not travel by bus be collected at 2.00pm.


It is the policy of the school to assign homework on a regular basis. Teachers shall make every effort to adapt the curriculum to the aptitude of the individual pupil. It follows, therefore, that homework assignments may vary from pupil to pupil. Parents are strongly encouraged to take an active interest in their child’s homework. If homework causes worry for pupils, parents should contact the teacher. Parents should sign homework each night.

Preparing Uour Child for Schoolwork

Pupils from 1st to 6th class receive 7 coaching lessons per school year at Clonea Strand Hotel pool. The cost of a bus and lesson fees are charged to parents.


A healthy lunch policy is observed in the school and parents are encouraged to provide their children with nutritious snacks. Sweets, chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks are considered unsuitable for the lunch box. Chewing gum is strictly forbidden.

Book Rental

A book rental scheme is operated by the parents association which provides all the relevant information to interested parents. Extra copies, pencils etc. are available in school shop.

School Outings

Pupils from 2nd to 6th class are brought on a school tour each year. The tours are enjoyable, action packed and of educational benefit to the children. A separate tour is organised for the junior classes from infants to first class. signed consent forms are essential for all school outings.

G.A.A. Coaching

A G.A.A. coach visits the school occasionally to teach both hurling and football skills.


Pupils from 1st to 6th class receive 7 coaching lessons per school year at Clonea Strand Hotel pool. The cost of a bus and lesson fees are charged to parents.

Parents Association

The parents association welcomes all the new parents and their children to the school. Our meetings are held at the school throughout the year and we look forward to seeing you all there.

Parent/Teacher Meetings

A formal parent/teacher meeting is held once a year. Pupils’ progress and any difficulties concerning schoolwork can be discussed with the class teacher. Other meetings with teachers can be arranged by appointment.


We would strongly recommend that each pupil have 24 hour cover against accident and injury. Details are available at school.